
Monday 9 July 2012

A free knitted scarf pattern.

I often sign up for newsletters on craft sites.  I don't always read all the newsletters, but last weekend the word "FREE" caught my eye..... as it does  :)

It was a free knitting pattern for a scarf.  Nothing unusual there really, a scarf is one of those things that most people will knit at some point (presuming they knit of course).  But this one just had something about it that I liked.

I go walking in the Lakes and Fells quite a bit, and a scarf is a bulky thing to have, although warm and useful they can be a bit cumbersome.  If it's too long it gets caught up in everything, if it is too short then it keep falling off.  What I liked about this pattern, that it was a short scarf with a way of keeping it in place - genius!  Why didn't I think of this?

So, as I was going away that weekend, I grabbed some needles and a couple of balls of wool out of the huge stash I have and took it with me.  Alas, I had only done 4" of work when I realised I would need some stitch holders (which were 4 hours away at home).  It was the weekend we had gone to Bridlington for the Tuffnell Glass Marble Class. My parents had blagged a lift with us so they could have the weekend by the sea-side, so on the saturday I sent my mother out on a mission to find me some stitch holders.  Within an hour she had them, from a charity shop at the princely price of 20p each  :)

There was a small error in the pattern I noticed (just stitch counts) but I just ignored it and it worked fine.

(Had a little doodle on this photo to show you how it works)

It is so cosy warm, and sits beautifully on the neck.

I have checked the newsletter and I can 'forward to a friend', so if you would like a copy give me a yell and I will send it onto you.


  1. Great looking scarf - My friend!
    Would you please forward a copy to:


  3. I would love to have the pattern. I am knitting scarves for a cancer center. Send to Thanks.


I would love to hear from you, questions, comments and salutations all welcome.