
Saturday 7 December 2013

Crochet along .... Mandala (5)

.Welcome back to Crochet Along - Mandala.

If you are following you should find yourself at this stage....

If not, why not have a go.  Click HERE to go back to the start then follow the links as necessary  :)

Off we go then.

This pattern is written in UK Crochet terms and today we will be using the following stitches. Chain (CH)  Slip Stitch (SS) Treble Crochet (TR)  Double Treble (DTR)
  • Join a new colour IN-BETWEEN two stitches of the last row, and this row we are going to be working through the BACK of the posts.  Sounds complicated, but don't worry, it's not.  Rather than work into a regular stitch, you are simply going to be putting your hook in a different place.

See where the hook is placed? This is where you will be working in on each stitch.

So, using a TR and working through the FRONT of each 'post' work all the way around. (192 stitches)

The next row we will be working through the BACK of TWO posts (stick with me on this, it does make a nice effect)  Do you see there the hook is?  Well, it's just the same at the previous row, but working through the back, and across two posts.

Attach a new colour and CH3

*** Now work a DTR AROUND THE BACK OF TWO POSTS.  (wrap your yarn around your hook TWICE, put through work and draw yarn through - 4 stitches on hook, *wrap yarn round and take TWO off, repeat from * x 2)

Working back in the front again, miss a TR from the previous round and work a TR into the next one.  

Repeat from *** all the way around.

So you are doing alternate - one stitch through the back, one stitch on the top - ok?

Join a new colour and CH 3

2 TR into the same space  (gives you a cluster of 3 TR's)

**Miss out 2 stitches and 3TR into the next one.  Repeat from ** all the way around. SS to join then SS across the top of the three TRs and into the space.

3CH, then 2 TR into same space.

Then *** 3TR into each space between previous rows clusters.  Repeat from *** all the way round.

It's growing!

The next instalment coming soon, but if you have just joined us please use the links below to catch up  :)

Crochet along .... Mandala (4)

And remember, anyone who joins in with this crochet along and provides a photo at the end will be entered into a draw to win a lovely prize of a full set of coloured crochet hooks in a case just like this one...


  1. Hi
    Loving the CAL. Any idea when the next installment will be ready?

  2. Chez, thanks, I really needed that nudge, I will do some tonight, promise :)

  3. must catch up with it ... I am half way through (4) ...


I would love to hear from you, questions, comments and salutations all welcome.