
Sunday 6 January 2013

Silloth & The Hobbit.

Sunday, day of rest.

Rest, to us, is not sitting on the sofa watching TV, that bores the life out of me. No.... 'rest' is blowing away the cobwebs, spending quality time with loved ones, that kind of thing.

We like to walk the "Wainwrights" which is a range of Lakeland fells walked by Alfred Wainwright. So far we have walked 16 out of 214, so we have quite a few to complete. We would have normally planned a Wainwright, but I have had a bit of a cold and my lung capacity is not as healthy as it should be at the moment.

So we decided to have a nice walk along the sea front at Silloth.

Silloth is our "sea-side",only 23 miles from Carlisle, it's where you took the kids for a picnic when they were young, car packed up with buckets, spades, sandwiches and old tatty towels.  At this time of year the one amusement arcade is closed down, and the only people around are dog walkers.

Nowadays, when we visit, it's just us, a Springer Spaniel and a pocket full of poop bags.  But a nice walk all the same.

I love the sea. I love the sea when it's sparkling and blue, I also love it when it's grey and dismal.  Today it was mucky brown and dull, but it's still enchanting.

We had a lovely 50 minute brisk walk which made our eyes water, our noses run and our ears flap (well, Dotty Dog's ears flapped).

This afternoon we popped along to the local cinema to watch 'The Hobbit', what a fantastic film, superb effects and I was really frustrated to find it was 'Part 1' and that 'Part 2' would not be along until July  :(

After the cinema we were walking back to where we had parked the car, having to pass an Indian restaurant named Rafiks.

Just before Christmas Shona (my daughter), Lezley (my friend) and I had been invited to this restaurants 1st Birthday Party (we are regular attendees of their 'Bollywood Night' events - a meal and Indian film) and I had made them a birthday cake, which I took in my cake dome.  I needed to pick up the dome as I have made a few cakes since and had nothing to transport them in.  Oh.... this is a photograph from our "Carlisle Living" magazine from the night (Lezley refused to have hers taken, wish I had!!)

Anyway, I digress, as we were passing the restaurant on the way to the car, we thought we should pop in and pick up the cake dome, only we ended up staying for a meal   :)  Tut Tut.  We had all the stuff at home for a stir-fry too !!

I feel really full and rotund now, and tired.  Need to sleep.  Got a 7 hour shift at work tomorrow.

Let me show you how far the crocheting has come along since last night.....

Getting there.

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