
Monday 11 March 2013

Treasures from Town

On friday I had to nip into town to pick up the Warwick Higgs print I was getting framed for my sisters birthday.  I try not to go into town very often, I dislike shopping and I dislike crowds of people.

But as I was there I decided to have a little pootle about.  Let me show you the treasures I picked up.

First I got this wonderful knitting book from a charity shop.  It was the grand price of £2.50. It is "Simple Knitting" by Erika Knight.

It attracted me as it contains some lovely patterns such as this cute cushion which I think will look great in rainbow colours.

And this funky little notebook cover which I love.

I also had a wander through the local market and stopped at the material stall to admire the lovely fabrics.

I just had to buy a piece of this gorgeous owl fabric.  Not sure what I am going to do with it yet, perhaps a bag.

Then I found these keys in Poundland while buying a dustpan and brush.

I don't know what it was about them but I really had to have them.  I might pimp them up by beading around the shaft.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'll have to go the the market to get some owl fabric - owls are awesome!
    P.S. I've nominated you for a liebster award
    Anna x


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