
Monday 27 May 2013

Car Boot Sale Tales

It's been ages since I went to a Car Boot Sale, but every May Bank Holiday Monday there is one held at a local Church.

It was spitting with rain a little so we did debate whether or not to bother, but in the end we donned our woolly hats and off we went.  (Makes it sound like an expedition to the North Pole!!)

I got some good bargains I think.  Let me show you....

I got some cute little glasses which I plan to stick in the sandblaster and do something interesting with.  £1.00 for 9.

Next I found some Superman curtains.  My son, Adam (age 21), is a huge Superman fan, not sure what I am going to do with these yet, but I shall make him something - perhaps a floor cushion. £1.00.

On the same stall I spotted a Dummies guide to Blogging, which looked quite interesting, and as they were 3 for £1.00 I thought it would be rude not to take up that offer, so picked up a Superman book and a Gillian McKeith recipe book.  £1.00

I had a quick flick through the recipe book and it looks great, loads of wholefoods and superfoods, just the kind of stuff I like.

Lettuce soup though?  I might have to be convinced of this one, it doesn't sound so good.  Especially when it is described as "sleepy" - that's a word my Mum used to use when veg had gone off a bit.

But I like the sound of these Sushi rolls, I love Sushi so will be making these very soon.
I was really chuffed to find a brand new steamer in a box, unused.  I use my steamer a lot, but it has a crack in the casing now so tends to leak a bit of water all over my worktops, so I did plan to get a new one.  My old one is a large family sized one, and as now we have 2 out of 3 chicks that have flown the nest, this smaller one will be perfect.  £2.00
I found this gorgeous cross-stitch kit.  It's been quite a while since I did any cross-stitch, but at £2.00 for an un-opened kit, this was a bargain!  £2.00

We were ready to come home at this point having been round all the stalls, but then decided to do another lap.

Second time round I found these glass pans, my son Iain has just left home and needs a big pan to cook his potatoes in, he likes a mountain of mash. I bought him some smart price non-stick pans when he moved out but they have proved not to be very good so these will be ideal.  £1.20

Finally I found this wonderful ..... thing... not sure if it is a shawl or a table covering, or just something pretty and decorative, but it caught my eye with it's wonderful jewel colours.  I am planning to use it as a curtain of sorts in the window in my craft room.  £1.00

All in all I spent the grand total of £9.20 - not bad eh?

Have you got any boot sale bargains recently?

PS:  The Amazon links I have throughout my blog are affiliated, which means if you click and purchase I may get a few pennies - just so you know :)

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