
Tuesday 25 June 2013

Opus Moon - my new, but not so new, website

I am stupidly pleased with myself as I have re-built my website.

My web domain was coming up for renewal a few weeks ago and the Hubster asked me if I still wanted/needed it.

"Nah", was the reply, "Don't bother with it much anymore".

So it wasn't renewed.

Then for some odd reason, I wanted it back. I had spent ages and ages picking the name and suddenly the thought of letting someone else have it was haunting me. Bless his little cottons, he only went and got it back for me.

To cut a long long story short by about 4 days, I ended up with Opus Moon - the meaning of which works something like this - Opus:  A creative works, and Moon: A play on Amun, God of Creation.  Do you see what I did there?

Now, this was a good few years ago when I was wanting to push my Lampworking (melting glass into beads) but I wanted a name that didn't contain a product description so I could adapt it to suit most things.   I used it quite a lot back then, but recently have left it to go to seed.

Now, it is time to resurrect the name and start using it again.

I ordered some cute little woven labels to add onto anything that they suit, sewed them onto some tie-dyed tote bags and decided that they would be the first thing to be featured on the new look website.

I have spent the last two days rebuilding it, fiddling about with fonts and images, and working out how to put frames in the first page!  (The Diploma I did in Web design a few years ago seems to have been mainly forgotten) but I think I have it to a point where I quite like the look.

What do you think?


  1. The new look website is looking good, Sooz - nice and clear and uncluttered :)

  2. Thanks Sandie. I actually really enjoyed rebuilding it, I've not done a website for a while.


I would love to hear from you, questions, comments and salutations all welcome.