
Tuesday 19 November 2013

An interview on local radio

Today I was asked to go, as a Hobbycraft colleague, to the Radio Cumbria studios and do a little chat/demo on Zentangle.  An art form of doodling if you like.

As I did a series of Blogs for one if their features a few years ago, I was quite happy and excited to go again.

Blimey, it was nearly four years ago!!   Doesn't time fly.  You can check out my blog about that one HERE.  (Ahh, and that jumper mentioned at the bottom, it never did get finished)

So I did plan to do a nice photo-full blog about it... and as often happens, the best ideas never go to plan.

I parked by the castle, which looks lovely in the sunlight.  Sometimes when you live in one place all your life, you forget to appreciate some of the beautiful things that your area holds.

Across the busy dual carriageway from the castle are the BBC Radio Cumbria buildings.  You have to go under an underpass to reach them (or over the Millennium Bridge, but the underpass is so much more interesting)

In the underpass is a glass brick wall, and behind it is Tullie House Museum.  And that big boulder thing right there is the Cursing Stone  (whoooooo)  I walked right past it, seemed friendly enough to me  :)

You can kind of see into the Museum, just enough to get you interested to go in and have a look around, which you should,if you get the chance.

On the other side of the pass are artefacts embedded into the wall.

And here we are.   Let's go in....

Now, this is where the photos stop, because as soon as I got into the studio I found out that the interview was going out LIVE !   Huh?  What?  Live?  Now?  Me, on Radio, live, now?


Actually, they gave me no time to panic, I was shown a seat, microphone turned on and the questions started.

But I forgot to take any more photos  :(

You can hear the interview HERE, although it is only available for 7 days from today.  Click 'Listen Now' and you will find it at 02:33 minutes in  (that's 2 hours 33 minutes).  (Drag the bar to get to the correct time.)

And I said that Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas were from the UK, of course they are not, they are from the US.


  1. You sounded great! Really calm and confident and knowledgeable. You only mentioned your crochet as your other skill, though. You should mentioned that you are Super-Crafter!

  2. I was caught on the back foot a bit, I wasn't expecting it to be live. There's so much I wish I had said :)


I would love to hear from you, questions, comments and salutations all welcome.