
Saturday 18 January 2014

Day three in the big wooden shed

It seems to be messier at the end of today, I know it's not, I know it is because there are empty boxes laying about and stuff moved around until it finds it's final home - it just seems to be much messier.

I had Shona & Marie helping today, neither wanted their photo taken but this is the wonderful work they did.

Four huge boxes of buttons all hung up in sections, looking very smart indeed.

Hubster came in for a few minutes, but left after burning my ears with a barrage of foul language.  Obviously it must really hurt when you kneel on a bead  ;)

We have a path right around the table now, which is a novelty.

Say 'Hi' to the resident monkeys, they are still hanging there quite happily.

I lost track of time in there today, only came out when I got a text asking if I had forgotten to have lunch - at 5.00pm!!

I found these beads, they weren't really lost, just buried deep under lots of other stuff.  9 little pots of various shapes of glass beads, in 9 different colours - all going in the Birthday Blog Box - which one lucky reader will win mid February.

I've had enough now for the day, off to do some housework instead.  Blimey, it's never ending!


  1. wow you can see the floor LoL ... and that birthday box sounds really desirable !!!
    Love all that amazing stuff going in it :)

  2. I will do an update on what's in it very soon :)

  3. Well done Sooz and Shona and Marie..........and Andrew for making me laugh in an evil way.


  4. You've done it too haven't you Tan? Knelt on a bead.

    1. Yup, knelt on a bead, screamed and swore like an idiot. In fact I remember a time I pretended to steal a bead and swallow it and said bead got stuck and a fellow forum member did the same thing and worried several other forum members and those two never did own up...............

    2. Hahahaha, that's BAD ! **whistles innocently**

  5. If you can see floor, progress has definitely been made.
    A path round the table is a quantum leap!


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