
Thursday 16 January 2014

The big tidy

Following on from my recent news, the time had come to lock myself away in the Shed and do some serious tidying up! 

In the last year this space has become a dumping area for anything that doesn't have a home - "Where shall we put this?", "Oh, just shove it in the shed"  You know what I mean, right?

So yesterday, deep breath, and in I go.

I am almost embarrassed to show you this photo, but it might urge me to get it sorted quicker.

Five hours I grafted, hanging things on walls, sorting out boxes, redicovering bags of stuff that I had totally forgotten I had.  Finding a box of 50 pairs of pliers was a bonus too!

See that box up there, under the table?  With the orange yarn in?  That is FULL of yarn - about 30-40 balls, so full I could barely lift it.  The shame of it all.

Three black bin bags, 7 broken down cardboard boxes and a huge box of "I am not sure where to put this" later I had had enough.  And to my dismay my 'after' photo doesn't look much different from my before one!

Still, I have my Mother, Vera, coming to give a hand tomorrow, she is a little speed demon and will soon shift some stuff.

In the meantime I found a couple of bits that I am going to throw in The Birthday Blog Box.

First of all this little kit from The Crazy Wire company.  It's for a beaded wire bracelet, so someone should have some fun putting that together.

The second is a little handmade glass pendant, made by me  :)  and strung on a waxed cotton cord.

I will let you know how the 'big tidy' progresses, hopefully by the end of tomorrow we should see some floor!


  1. Well done missus on such a brilliant clean up effort and despite what you say you can see the difference, it must have been overwhelming, good on you for sticking at it
    Tan xx

  2. Overwhelming is just the right word Tan :)

    1. At least when you make a dent you know you are on the right track
      Tan x


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