
Tuesday 29 April 2014

Forgotten treasures

Whilst giving the glass shed a good tidy I came across a pot of forgotten bits and pieces that I have made over the years, and thought it might be nice to share them again  :)

The first few are enamelled pieces from a class I did YEARS ago with Dorothy Cockrell inn Tullie House.  I tried to look through the blog archive, but it might have even been earlier than that!

This piece is about 5cm with added wire to make tree branches.

This one is the same size, but with a foil goddess cut out then layered with transparent enamel on the top.

...and this piece I made after the class, once my huge amount of enammeling stuff had arrived.   The same stuff that is still in the box, all of it, except for the single piece that I made this with!

Actually, it wasn't all bad, I did enamel a large pile of 2p pieces  (copper ones) to give me a colour pallete  :)  but that is as far as my enamelling adventures went.  Maybe one day....

This piece is pewter, from my times when I tried pewter casting.  Again, I bought all the stuff, used it once, and gave it away to a friend yesterday after tiding the shed and deciding I wouldn't probably use it again.  Hope she gets more use of of it that I did.

I stuck some Swarovski crystals to it for a bit of bling.

This one is Precious Metal Clay - now I am thoroughly ashamed to admit even half of the stuff I own for working with PMC.  There is a huge box full of bits and bobs, tools and more tools, and even more shamefully packets and packets of PMC just waiting to be used.  I popped it back under the shelf before Hubster worked out what it was.

This piece is studded with Swarovski Cabochons, some of them cracked with the heat of the kiln, but it was a good experiment.

Glass casting - no, it's not a nipple, it's a shell.  I took a class in this, also years ago, with Diana East.  I took a cast of a shell then added powdered glass and popped it in the kiln overnight, before polishing.  I should have shown you the underneath really, it's like a deep pool of rainbow water.  I have never carried on with this craft either, but I did only buy a pot of molding stuff so not as expensive as some of my "must buys".

Resin.  A bit too messy for my liking, messing about getting quantities correct, then failing to get most of them out of the ice-cube tray I was using as a mold.  I still have a large tin of it.  (back under the shelf)

A jar of daffodils.   A slumped Jam Jar, heated until soggy in the kiln, then with an added edge of soldered copper foil, as in stained glass work, then an added daffodil transfer.  Cute I think  :)  I have hung it on the wall in the shed, and plan to make some more - probably in time for next Easter.

A cockeral coaster.  I just stuck the little bumpers on last night, he has been in the shed for about 18 months so I thought it was about time he came out and was used  :)

I have LOADS of clear glass now from by big tidy, so will definitely make some more coasters.

(sheesh, horribly dark photos, but I have now tidied them all 'away' again to goodness knows where so cannot retake them!)


  1. blimey Sooz you don't half do some stuff!! I love that first piece - would look great beaded around.

  2. It's very thin Tricia that one, just copper sheet :)

  3. Good to see that your tidy-up and clear-out have resulted in unearthed treasures. Now you have to clear-out occupations and find time to make things with them :)


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