
Saturday 31 May 2014

Charity shop shopping trip

Last weekend we had a pootle down the motorway from our home in Carlisle to Oxford, via Bournemouth  (long story).

It was an early start and my morning brew was waiting for me when I dragged my weary body out of bed and into the car, then it was onto the M6 for miles, and miles...... and miles.

We were staying at Hubster's Mum's house, and knowing my love for pottering around charity shops she took me to a couple of rather good ones.

The first one was this... The Kathryn Turner Trust.  Which is in Abingdon, Oxfordshire.

It is a large unit on a business park and it is filled to the rafters (or rather, the corrugated roof) with stuff!

So much stuff.   Stuff upon stuff with stuff underneath.



Books....  (lots)

Clothes, shoes.... mattresses.

I found something that excited me so much I did one of those little dances on the spot.  You know when you jog about like you need to pee?   That.  But it is surely worth a blog post of it's own, it's THAT exciting.   However, you can see it in one of the photos above, wonder if anyone can work out what it might be?  If you can, I might just send a little gift to the first one to comment with the correct answer)

But I also bought these gorgeous soup bowls.  They were in a set along with a coffee set, pot, milk jug, cups etc....  I only wanted the bowls so they charged me half price - £5.00.  Complete bargain.  6 bowls with lids and saucers. You might spot them popping up in recipe blogs from time to time.

I picked up this lovely frame too, for just one shiny pound.  I am hoping to somehow fit my Ganesha picture in it that I got for my birthday, it's a bit big really but I may be able to cobble up a nice background.

The next shop we went to was this one - Changing Lives in Didcot, only a few miles away.

They had a marvelous display of knitted garden veg and allotment style things in their window.  (That's my in-laws in the reflection  :)  )

A smaller shop this time, but still stuffed with stuff.

I picked myself two tops up....

A pretty David Emmanuel one.

And a Monsoon one.

Oh, and a walking stick.  I don't need the walking stick, as I don't need the other three I already have at home, but I keep meaning to do something with them..... and this was a nice one  :)

I love charity shop shopping, it has to be one of my favourite past times.

Do you?


  1. I also like Charity Shops. They help us saving an extra pound and we help them. I get books, old books for £1 and less (I LOVE BOOKS, I'm a Bookworm), clothes (good condition) and other stuff Perfect!

  2. I love browsing too, most of my wardrobe is from charity shops as I refuse to pay full price for something I might only wear a few times. I love clearing my wardrobe out, taking the stuff to charity & buying more.

  3. Sound like my kind of people :)

  4. You were five miles away and you didn't come to see me!!!!

    The charity shops in Oxford itself are v expensive.

  5. I know, I really wanted too :(

  6. shops and second hand shops (especially book shops and record shops - not that there are many of the latter around any more) of my absolute favourite things to do. I wish there were more of them here in Ireland...and big ones, like the Kathryn Turner one you went to - stuffed with ... STUFF! There are a few that I've come across here, and they do have and I have found/brought home some brilliant treasures (like The Curiosity Shop in Sligo - a great little - as in nearly tiny - shop, and it's wonderful), but not as many as there seems to definitely be all over the UK.

    Thanks for sharing your day out with us (I love those two tops you got at the Chelsea charity shop, especially). I think I need a return visit to The Curiosity Shop very, very soon, after seeing all these goodies.


I would love to hear from you, questions, comments and salutations all welcome.