
Wednesday 28 May 2014

My big fat Birthday

Last Saturday (24th May) was my Birthday.

My own Birthday is never something I really bother with - I always tell people "not to bother", but they don't listen.

I think it stems from when I was young, we always seemed to be on Holiday on my birthday, which was great - it somehow feels more special as everyone is together.  However, it was usually a holiday camp like Pontins  (never Butlins) or Haven, or an independent, and there was usually entertainment.

Of course, the compare always asked "Any Birthdays in the house?" and the birthday kid would have to get up on stage while everyone sang 'Happy Birthday', then they got a t-shirt.   On my 10th birthday I remember the t-shirt being bright yellow with the camp's logo on the front.

My parents used to ask "don't you want a t-shirt?".  I kinda did want the t-shirt, I just didn't want to stand on stage while everyone sung to me, so I used to beg them to keep quiet.

I still feel the same, I like to brush my birthday under the carpet.  And, actually, I succeeded for many years until the good old rise of Facebook.  Even though I don't have my birthday listed on there, it only takes one person to know and put a "Happy Birthday" post on your wall for the WHOLE WORLD AND HIS WIFE to start wishing you birthday greetings.   :)

So, I suppose (begrudgingly) I should embrace the whole birthday thing and roll with it........ (I do like pressies though  ;) )

On the morning of "The Big Day", my lovely Hubster made me a brew and brought it up to bed, where he gave me a pressie from his Mum  (it has arrived in the week, addressed to him, because I cannot be trusted not to open it.  I accept and admit this allegation)

It was a cute owl bag, perfect for a project bag and just my kind of thing  :)

Look, full of wool already, how did that happen?

I always look forward to her beautiful cards, they are hand made using the craft of "quilling" (rolling paper up into little shapes, although I am sure there are better explanations)

Just look at the work that is put in, tiny little scrolls of paper, sprinkled with glitter..... gorgeous.

Speaking of home-made cards, I also got this beauty from my friend, Jan.  Isn't it just so pretty?

Hubster had got me tickets to go and see Dolly Parton in June, so really looking forward to that, apparently he has something else in mind too, but they were out of stock, so will have to wait for that :)

After a brew and toast it was time to go and visit Ruby the puppy.  Hopefully we are coming to the end of our visiting this week and will be bringing the little monkey home.

As it was my birthday, I bought 40 tennis balls for all the doggies they have in the refuge at the moment, that was my birthday gift to them.  Hope they enjoy them  :)

Then I had to wait patiently for Shona to finish work so she could give me her pressie.  She got me tickets to go and see "The South" a band made up of former members of "The Beautiful South".  We are going together, having a night away - a nice meal, a night in a hotel and a few glasses of something naughty I suspect  :).  Really looking forward to that.

Marie made me the most marvellous paper-cut of Ganesha, the work that has gone into this is amazing, I need to get it framed and on the wall as soon as  :)

On the evening, Hubster had booked a table at a posh restaurant, just out of town at a village called Wetheral, which incidentally is the same village as the refuge that Ruby is at.  The restaurant is called Fantails.

I had the most lovely nut roast, topped with goats cheese and served with home made chips and fresh veggies.   Stuffed as a little piglet I was!

We were offered desert, as you are, but decided - for some random reason - to land on my parents door step with some cake and have a little birthday get-together.  At 10pm at night!  Collected Shona & Marie and my sister Julie on the way, and we are ate cake and drank wine  :)

My birthday is continuing throughout the week, as my sister has something planned for Thursday, I have the concert with Shona  on Friday, and hopefully Ruby will be home at the weekend.

Happy days  :)


  1. Happy birthday almost-birthday buddy! hope you had lots of fun - long may the birthday-ing continue! Mine is lasting until saturday when my mum is taking me and my sister (we share a birthday) out for tea! Yum!

  2. Happy Birthday back at you Anna, hope you have a lovely time :)

  3. Belated happy birthday, Sooz - it looks like you were showered with lovely gifts and things. Very jealous of those Dolly tickets!

  4. Thanks Hannah :) I am SO looking forward to Dolly.


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