
Saturday 23 January 2016

Crochet Egg Bird

I was told that my Granddaughter, Hope, really loved a baby TV programme called Egg Bird.

A quick Google showed me what it was all about.  Colourful egg shaped characters that bounce about in a jolly manner.

I decided to try and make her one.

There seemed to be plenty of different coloured Egg Birds, so I just chose a colour changing yarn that I thought would do the trick without me having to worry about colour changes / patterns etc...

I made a basic egg shape....

Then added feet, eyes, hair and a beak!   Done!  So simple, yet she LOVED it.

And a nice size to hug.

I have the pattern scribbled down, if anyone fancies it I shall write it up   :)


  1. That's just brilliant-you are an ace grandma! Loved your blanket too. I am about to start a "hoodie" for myself-just need to do a swatch and then I will be ready. Actually I really need to stop fannying about and JUST DO IT.:-))) catriona

    1. Yeah, just DO IT!! then send me a photo :)


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