
Tuesday 21 September 2010

Fun with little glasses.

I was wandering around a charity shop ages and ages ago when I cam across some little port glasses, and some lustered glasses (not sure what drink they would be for). Being the glass-magpie that I am I just had to buy them, they were only about 20p each so I didn't break the bank :)
Now, what to do with them. I kind of wanted them to still represent drink glasses, so I knew I didn't want to do my usual trick and take a hammer to them.

I arranged them in a cascading manner in the kiln and shut the lid !

So, this is the result, a weird kind of wall hanging. I quite like them.

Next time I am going to incorporate some wire to hang them with as I have been left wondering how to hang these ones up :)


I would love to hear from you, questions, comments and salutations all welcome.