
Thursday 21 October 2010

Lacy Knitted Scarves

The weather has been all wintery of late. Wintery weather makes me want to close the blinds, put the fire on, snuggle into the big squashy sofa I have, amongst all my many scatter cushions, and stay there till bedtime.
Every winter the knitting needles come out, but being an impatient person I need to make things that give me instant gratification, so jumpers and blankets just don't do it for me.

Last year was a 'Glove' year, well a Wrist Warmer year really - gloves with no fingers, nice and easy.

This year is a scarf year, I have found a wonderful drop stitch pattern which means it knits up really really quickly. I rooted through last years stash and used a few balls and came up with these :)

This is quite a short one as one ball wasn't quite enough, but I didn't have another ball.

It has my new "Opus Moon - hand made by Sooz" tag sewn into the corner.

The next one was the most gorgeous multi-coloured wool, it's so soft and fluffy, you just want to rub your face on it :)

Then I found this amazing ribbon yarn in my box, it knits up so elegantly, it's has turned out more of a dress scarf than an outdoor, windy weather scarf.

And lastly a gorgeous ultra fluffy pale pink wool, which is just baby soft and worked up so lacy and delicate, I know just the person to give this to for Christmas.

I have just taken delivery of another 82 balls, so expect to be shown a few more :)


  1. Beautiful

    I love the red dressy one, My Mum Would love that

  2. I am going to offer them for sale at £10 if you are interested.


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