
Tuesday 30 November 2010

A snowy weekend at Higham Hall

What a gorgeous weekend to be out in the middle of nowhere in the Lake District.

I was at one of my weekend Glass Bead making courses at Higham Hall when the snow started.

An hour or so later and everything was white, crisp, and utterly beautiful.

There was a small panic on Saturday morning as three of my four students were non-residents and therefore would struggle to get into the college as it is up narrow, steep, back roads. Eventually they did arrive safely, although they did miss a couple of hours of torch time :(
Everytime we left the studio, which is based in the mansion house's old Stables (all modernised of course) we took a really sharp cold intake of breath - wow, it was chilly!! Good job we had nice warm food and home-made cakes to warm us back up :)

Still, we got some lovely beads made and everyone seemed to have a great time :)

This is Mo and Noreen...

And...Helen and Mary.

...all concentrating very hard.

I made a quick tree bead while there, but it had a huge air bubble inside so it split :(

It was a wee bit hairy driving home on the Sunday afternoon as it has snowed again, on top of already compacted snow! I did wonder if I was going to have to stay, but attempted it and managed to get home in just over an hour - it usually takes about 40 mins so not too bad.


  1. Lovely tree bead. Shame it split!
    I want to take a course there with you!


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