
Friday 14 January 2011

A little bit twisty.

This week I grabbed a beady bargain.  Vickie Christian was offering some of her marvelous Lampwork Beads at a great sale price, and although I do make glass beads myself, these green ones just totally got my attention.  This in itself is very strange as I am so not a 'green person' - (green as in colour, I do try to be environmentally friendly :) ) but I am sure you will agree, they are very nice.

I pledged to put them to good use as soon as they arrived. I am really bad at squirrelling things away to use later and as a result have amassed a huge pile of beads and other interesting stuff that one day I might get around to using.

As it happened, the day they plopped through my letterbox I also got a delivery for the shop, two large boxes of Seed Beads.  After weighing them all out there are always a few odd ones spare, so I picked out some complimenting colours and set to work.

I did a spiral staircase stitch, two pieces, which I brought together through the large focal bead, then added the dangles for a bit of interest. I finished it with a beaded toggle and loop.

If you would like to have a go at Spiral Staircase yourself then here is my free tutorial.  Just play around with the sizes of the beads and the number of beads on the twist part to get different patterns.


I would love to hear from you, questions, comments and salutations all welcome.