
Monday 11 February 2013

My Day

Some people share so much on Facebook, various status updates all day about nothing much in particular, and usually starting with "morning" and ending in "goodnight".  I've never felt the need to do that, maybe because I don't think I have enough intersting things to say.

But, today, every hour, on the hour, I am going to do an update about my day.

Starting with....


Fast asleep, until the Hubster shakes me away to say "Goodbye, I am off to work now" - he got a grunt in return, I rolled over and went back to sleep.


Still asleep.


I am awake now, I picked up my iPad and checked Facebook - lots of people saying "Good Morning".  I play a few games of Candy Crush Saga and Bubblewitch Saga  (sad, I know)  Then took a shower.


Watched an episode of Dallas.  I am slightly addicted and have watched it from the start, but I am also a little sad as I only have 2 episodes left of the old series to go.  I am going to feel bereft.  My daughter did buy me the new series on DVD for Christmas, so will start on that.  RIP Larry Hagman.

Whilst watching I sewed the last sleeve into a crochet bolero top I have made for a display at work.  The sleeves didn't seem to fit too well so needed a little jigging about to get it to work.


I started work at noon today, a four hour shift, so not too bad.  I started by doing a display of crochet items - a cushion, a vest, a bolero, a scarf and a mug-hug.


Having finished the crochet display I then sewed some pom-poms to a colleague craft item we have going on in Hobbycraft.  It was supposed to be a full length door curtain, but due to the time taken to make the pom-poms  (we tend to make them while on a quiet till shift) we just aint gettting enough.  So a window curtain it will become  :)


Right bang on 2.00pm I was just doing a regular job, running some price labels through the laminater.  Happily feeding it though I suddenly realised that nothing was coming out!  Somehow the plastic sheet had wound itself up inside and got stuck.

So the next quarter of an hour was spent with my manager trying at first to get the machine apart, then finally  the good old "let's stick a knife in it" method.  We finally got it out.


I spent the next hour tidying up the glittery foam letters.  I am now covered in glitter, blooming stuff gets everywhere.


Home time!  But not for long as I am back into work at 6.00pm to run a crochet class.


A quick episode of Dallas, a quick pasty to keep me going  (this is a very late lunch), a quick clothes change and a quick brew (with two bags to bring my caffeine levels back up)


Landed back at Hobbycraft to do a 'crochet for beginners' class.  This was the 2nd out of 4 classes and it seemed to go really well.  Three ladies were new to the group and started with a simple chain and Double Crochet stitch, while the other four went on to start a granny square piece (perhaps a cushion, maybe a blanket in time).


Still crocheting.


Home again.  Got home to find the Hubster cooking tea (he calls it 'Dinner' as he is a Southerner, but in the North it is 'Tea')  Quorn 'bacon' and hashbrown butties.  So healthy  :)  He doesn't do complicated recipes, but sometimes it is just so nice to have something simple and filling.  Washed down with a large red wine, of course.


Watching Homeland.  One of my sons (Adam) bought it for Hubster for Christmas.  We have never watched it on TV but heard it was good, and so far it's great!


Still watching Homeland.  Whilst crocheting my Ripple Blanket.


Must be time for bed.  Although I am a bit of a night owl and would happily stay up until the early hours, the Hubster would be tucked up by 10.00pm every night if he had his way.  I don't care for sitting up on my own so I will go to bed with him and play on my iPad for a good few hours.  Check out some blogs, play some games, read an eBook.  I will probably drop off around 1.30 - 2.00am.

Goodnight :)


  1. You make so many things for Hobbycraft! Are you stocking the display tables single-handed? I hope they appreciate you crafting in your own time?

  2. I just do the knitting table, thankfully :)

  3. I agree with Sandie, you make lots of things! Thought it was only me that thought everyone else told their life hourly on FB!

  4. I would never find enough to say!


I would love to hear from you, questions, comments and salutations all welcome.