
Tuesday 6 May 2014


When we had our walk on the beach last week, it was very apparent that we had a big space beside us, a big dog shaped space.

We sat on some rocks and had a good remissness, a good chat and a little cry and came to the conclusion that we needed another dog in our lives.   We would give anything to have Dotty Dog back, but that's just not going to happen, and I can't envisage a life without a dog to give your toast crusts too.

So, we decided to pay a visit to our local Animals Refuge.  This is where we got Dotty from over 7 years ago, and before that I had a Jack Russell called Milo - he came from there too, in fact Milo had been adopted and returned because he chased sheep.  We kept him on the lead when he was near sheep - problem solved.

We had our interview, we were asked lots of questions, asked what we wanted, about our life style etc etc.... 

We said we had a very open mind about what dog we should have, but not a Springer Spaniel, we felt we would unfairly compare it too much to Dotty.  Something different....

That something different that was suggested to us was a puppy.   This puppy is one of two female pups that had been taken in.  A mix of Staffie, Boxer, perhaps Mastif and perhaps something else for good measure.

They are 12 weeks old and utterly adorable.

The first time we saw them, which was very briefly, I was drawn to Daisy, for no particular reason at all.  Her sister is Hazel and a bit more boisterous.  Daisy was cuddly.

I took Shona back a few days later and Daisy ran up to her and wanted a cuddle - so we feel that Daisy chose us.

We could not call her Daisy as we have a dear-departed cat called Daisy, so we chose a new name - Ruby.

I think it suits her.

We cannot have Ruby for another 4 weeks as she has some tummy issues that need sorted, so we will wait patiently and visit lots so she gets to know us.

Rest assured you will know once she comes home :)

In the meantime, here is a little video you can watch   :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you and your hubby, and for sweet and beautiful Ruby. I know how your hearts have felt so heavy and lost without your beloved Dotty girl. What a beautiful way to honour Dotty's memory by caring for another rescue dog who needs your love and care, which I know you will shower on this little darling in abundance.

    Bless you both for loving her, and bringing her into your home, your hearts and your lives. What a beautiful, beautiful girl she is.


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