
Thursday 12 June 2014

Crochet Bubbles Wreath

I was wanting to do a new wreath as a sample for when I go to do workshops, but I wanted to steer away from flowers and leaves as most of my others seem to be just that.  I wanted something different to show people so that they have plenty of inspiration when making one themselves.


No idea where that idea came from, but I decided to run with it anyway.

I made an aqua blue base cover for a styrofoam wreath shape  - it only JUST fit. In fact it didn't really, I had to stretch and cajole it into fitting, but we got there in the end.   Another couple of rows would have been useful though.

The "bubbles" are little crocheted balls, they took about 6 minutes each to stuff and make.

I got a pack of yarn free on a knitting magazine, all different shades of blues, so I used that.  (Right, I want you to imagine the sound of popping as new bubbles appear - ready?

(1)  POP !

(12)  POP POP POP !

(24)  Your turn!


(48)  (I can't hear you 'popping')


(72)  Are you still "popping"?


(96)     Oooo bad photo.


Yep, 108 little balls - 6 minutes each to make, 3 minutes each to attach = 972 minutes (16.2 hours) just for the 'bubbles' alone.

Still, I'm quite pleased with it. Although glad it's finally finished :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Your bubble wreath is really pretty! I know, crocheting takes a long time but it's worth it. And it's addictive. ha.


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