
Monday 14 July 2014

So, what work goes into a kit?

Sometimes I just feel like I have worked all day yet achieved not a lot.

There is so much work that goes into one of my kits, work that you don't necessarily think about, so I thought I would tell you   :)

First of all I have to think up the kit - I don't have to think too hard, it's more like sorting through the 1,000's of ideas in my head and choosing a single one!   Hard work that bit.

Then I need to make the idea, to check it works.  This can take ages - days, sometimes weeks, depending on how complex the piece is.  For example, the "Helena's Blanket" kit, although simple, took weeks to produce as it was so big.

When the item is done, and it works, I then need to remake it so I can take step-by-step photos for the instructions.

Next comes the photo editing.  Photo editing is a pain in the bum.  Depending on where the photos are going means I have to do different things to them.  If a photo is to be used on the front of the pack stickers of the actual printed instruction,s then I need to crop all the backgrounds out as too much coloured background uses up too much ink unnecessarily.  It can take a whole day sometimes to edit photos to my satisfaction.

Then I write the instructions, step-by-step, adding the photos as I go.

After a single print and proof read  (3 or 4 times) I do the final edits and print them out ready for the kits.  I then design the pack labels and print those out too.

Now it is time to trot off to the shed to make up the kits.

First of all I get all the components together in sectioned trays, I count beads, measure and wind thread, bag up buttons, strap needles together and fold the instructions.

The packing of the kits follows, this part needs concentration as I talk to myself quite loudly as I pack - this is to make sure I have everything in the packs.  I make up a little chant and chant away - goodness knows what the neighbours think!

That's the kits made, time to leave the shed and back to the office for more computer based work.

The next thing to do is to price the kit - I list all of the components and search out the prices on my database.  Pop them all into an XL file which gives me a price.  This can also take a little while as some of those pesky prices go back a few years and just don't want to be found.

Lastly, it is time to get the kit listed on my webpage.  I write the wording for the listing, add the photos, if there are any choice options I have to put them all in place, which can take a wee while to do. I check it and check it again, then I make it live and whoooooosh, up it goes for sale.

Now, it's time for the next idea.....

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of work! I hope you are selling loads and making it all worthwhile!


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