
Saturday 2 August 2014

Sunderland Glass Centre

Last weekend we popped along the the Sunderland Airshow.  We usually attend Fairford Air Tattoo, but this year decided to try Sunderland as it is only an hour or so away from home (compared to 4 ish for Fairford) and it is free to attend, (compared to £40 a day for Fairford)

In a nut-shell, the event was ok, but next year we plan to return to Fairford  :)

However, while we were there, in Sunderland, it would have been most rude not to pop along to the National Glass Centre.   I have been a couple of times before and thoroughly enjoyed my visit.  But sadly this time the university has taken over some of the centre and rooms that you could visit previously, such as the artists work areas and a scientific glass part, are now closed off to the public.  :(

Still, it was free entry, so we didn't feel to robbed, just a bit disappointed.

You can walk on the glass roof, and look down into reception - if you dare.

There was a lovely exhibition however by the de la Torre Brothers, I have never come across their work before - but unusual is an understatement!

It is funky with a capital EEEEEEEE (at the end!)  They work in glass and resin and produce some strange, but enjoyable sculptures.

Ticking watches in a resin bunny.

We then wandered through the wonderful galleries.

I just love this huge glass wheel, with some many colours and textures,  it was impossible to capture how magnificent it really is.  Of course photographing it from the wrong angle with the light behind it doesn't help, so let's go round to the other side and try again.

That's better  :)

Then watched a demo on working on a lathe with glass tubing - I WANT A LATHE NOW!

We didn't spend a lot of time there as we were rushing off to catch The Bodies exhibition at the Life Centre, but nip over to the glass centre website and take a virtual tour - it's very interesting.

1 comment:

  1. i'm not sure what its like for you journey wise, but Waddington Air Show in Lincolnshire is very good aswell, usually around april i think


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