
Saturday 20 January 2018

Annis McGowan's Needle Felted Owl Doorstops

Last Saturday we welcomed Annis McGowan to The Shed, she is the most marvellous Needle Felter who creates fabulous creatures from wool.

Annis visited us last year to do a Herdwick Sheep workshop, and this time she returned to deliver an Owl Doorstop class.

It was a fully booked workshop, with everyone very eager to make their own unique owl.

Stab, stab, stabbity stab, was all I heard from my office in the back room, not a massive amount of chitter chatter as people seemed to be concentrating on their work.  Luckily not much stabbing into their own fingers, which is always a bonus.

Once the eyes were in place all the owls came alive and the results were simple amazing, each owl had it's own personality - it's amazing that people can have the same tuition and materials yet produce something so different.

Did you know a group of Owls is called a 'Parliament'?  No, neither did I, I had to Google it  :)
So, here is our Parliament of Owls all lined up and eager to be photographed.

I will leave you with a snippet of video - supposedly of Owls tooting...... turned into a load of grown-up's giggling  :)  At least they all had fun.

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