Saturday 1 June 2013

Funky Flower Felted Bag

Over on Ravelry I am part of Sharon Maher's "Laughing Purple Goldfish Designs" group.

Often, Sharon posts a shout out for testers for her designs.  you may remember my Sea Turtle a while back, if you need to see the cuteness of Harry The Sea Turtle again, then click HERE.

The design this time was a felted crocheted bag.

I decided on a Rowan 100% Wool, it had to be wool as I needed it to shrink and felt in the washing machine.  The pattern called for 2 strands to be knitted together, but I decided to use the really thick 'Big Wool' instead.  I used two balls.  Ideally the handle could have been longer but I wasn't buying another ball just for a few inches of handle.  (tight?  me?  yeah  :)  )
Following the pattern, I crocheted up the easy-to-do bag.

I quite liked the bag as it was, unfelted, but into the washing machine it went.  On a 95 wash, tied up in a pillowcase, with a load of towels.



There was about a 10% shrinkage.  It is all nice, thick and felty now.  And the perfect size for my mini iPad.

I decided to decorate it with crocheted flowers, I found a couple of tutorials online, but once you have done a couple of flowers you can just freestyle your own which is what happened here.  I have loads of wool scraps so just put a few together that complimented the hot pink base.

Then I attached them to the bag with random buttons.

The bag fastens with a large press-stud under the flap.

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