Wednesday 10 December 2014

Double Baked Stuffed Potatoes

So many people, because of work and family commitments, need to just chuck food in the oven with little preparation these days, so I thought I would share this quick and easy idea.   It can be prepared ahead of time and the potatoes cooked earlier on.

When I am making Jacket Spuds for tea I tend to always put extras in, a few then go on to be potato wedges  (wedge when cold, toss in olive oil and rosemary with a touch of rock salt and bake until crispy) and others go on to become these "double baked stuffed potatoes".  

So the potatoes are better cold and pre-cooked for stuffing.  The smaller sized potatoes are good for this too.

Cut the potatoes in half lengthways. Then carefully scoop out the potato leaving the skin intact.

Put the scooped out spud into a bowl and add a little  (teaspoon or so) of soft cheese.
Then chuck in some other stuff - cooked meat, tinned corn, chopped sun-dried tomatoes, whatever you have in the fridge.  If you don't have anything to add then the cheesy potatoes are just as good  :)

Now add a handful of grated mozzarella.

Mix it all up very well, mashing the potato as you go.

Stuff it firmly back into the potato skins, pressing it down tight.  Now you can either pop these in the fridge until half an hour before you need them or cook right away.

Bung in the oven, gas mark 6, for around 25-30 mins or until golden brown.

Serve with a nice fresh salad.

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